My Thoughts on Animal Testing

Animal testing is one of the most horrible things I have known humans to do. It’s something that any sane human would consider cruel and unnecessary. We, as humans, are living in a world that considers it legal to take ownership and control of a living, innocent animal, put it in a cage (where it lives in confinement for the rest of its life) while we put poisonous, unnatural and potentially deadly substances on and inside its body. Animal testing is used for many things, but mostly for making sure that something is safe for humans to use in any sort of way. Obviously this is all done whether the animal wanted it to happen or not, although how many monkeys do you think there are in this world that want to live a life of imprisonment and torture? It’s not only monkeys that are used for animal testing; there are other poor animals that suffer, the most common being rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, cats, dogs, farm animals and monkeys. Imagine this happening to your dog! Each year more than 100 million animals are killed on the U.S alone! Imagine how many die worldwide!

Thankfully, there are so many companies that choose not to test on animals and more people are becoming aware of such a horrible act. If you wanted to stop supporting animal testing, it’s just as simple as buying products, like shampoo, toothpaste, makeup and other chemical cosmetics, that don’t test on animals. Usually companies that don’t test on animals will have something on the packaging stating that their products aren’t tested on animals.

So as you can see I hate animal testing. I just want to make people aware that it’s such a cruel act that you can easily prevent supporting. Thank you for reading.



  1. This is such a worthwhile blog Macey. You are drawing attention to some really important issues.

  2. This is an incredibly written piece of text. Thanks for bringing light to some of the most terrible things that man kind have ever done. Three years before I went vegan I discovered animal testing and got rid of every animal tested product I had. Every little thing you can do to stop animal cruelty is worthwhile.

  3. That is very intresting macey, you have written and true to the bone article about wrong doing.

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